Cliff crevice mix
- Perlite
- Peat moss
- Seachem flourite
- Fine orchid bark (Pinus radiata)
- Crushed lava rock
- Coarse lime grit – to raise/balance the pH and emulate the limestone cliffs it naturally lives on
- Shredded sphagnum moss – very small quantity
Lithophytic mineral mix
For lithophytes preferring a well-drained substrate with modest moisture retention and a balanced pH.
- 1 part small lava
- 1 part pumice
- 1 part small akadama
- 1 part small perlite
Tested with:
- Mexican Pinguicula
- Some Nepenthes
Lithophytic mineral mix
For lithophytes preferring a well-drained substrate with minimal moisture retention and an alkaline pH.
- 1 part small lava
- 1 part pumice
- 1 part limestone grit
Tested with:
- Mexican Pinguicula spp.
AWT Magic Mix
(SUB-001 / SUB-002)
For terrestrial plants from forested areas. This substrate performs well across many types of plants, so feel free to experiment with it.
- Akadama (medium size)
- Radiata bark (may substitute extra fine orchid bark or fir fines)
- Chopped Sphagnum (small to moderate amount)
- Perlite (1/2″ size)
- Pumice (1/4″ size)
- Monto Clay
- Add Bonsai Block or small lava to increase pH
- Add Kanuma to decrease pH
- Add Azomite dust for enhanced growth
- The grain size of individual ingredients can be increased or decreased depending on the size of the species being grown
- For extra humidity and moisture retention, top with 1/4″ to 1/2″ layer of sphagnum (depending on size of plant species)
Tested with:
- Small to large forest ferns
- Sonerila
- Pilea
- Peperomia
- and many others
Forest mix (light and permeable)
- 5 parts peat moss
- 3 parts perlite
- 2 parts fine pinus radiata bark
- Topped lightly with sphagnum to keep moisture and humidity up
- Corybas spp. (C. sp. Philippines)
Moist Acidic Jungle mix (lean)
- 5 parts sphagnum moss
- 1 part fine pinus radiata bark
- Light sprinkle of leaf litter
- Many tropical plants
Moist Acidic Jungle mix #2 (rich)
- 6 parts Sphagnum
- 2 parts Happy Frog potting mix
- 2 parts Perlite (coarse grade)
- 1 part Pinus radiata bark (fine grade)
- 1 part Monto clay
- 1 part Willow-Oak leaf litter (mixed in)
- Labisia, Ardisia, many other tropical plants
Wild forest mix
- Peat
- Pinus radiata bark
- Kanuma
- Pumice
- Bonsai Block
- Monto Clay
- Sphagnum
- Lithacne sp. (mini bamboo)
Limestone Potting mix
For Begonia spp. and other plants from neutral to alkaline habitats (Limestone-growers)
- Peat moss
- Perlite
- Charcoal
- Bonsai Block (calcined clay)
- Coarse Limestone grit
Tested with:
- Limestone Begonias
Limestone Potting mix #2
For Begonia spp. and other plants from neutral to alkaline habitats (Limestone-growers)
- Happy Frog potting soil
- Coarse perlite
- Bonsai Block
- Crushed chalk (Crayola Anti-Dust, white)
- Azomite rock dust
Tested with:
- Begonia kui, ningmingensis, rubida, and others
- Petrocosmea
Swamp / Marsh
Typical Mix
Commonly used for species of carnivorous plants and other plants which are found in bogs and marshes.
- 1 part Peat moss
- 1 part Perlite (small to medium grade)
Tested with:
- Drosera
- Utricularia
Straight Stratum
- Fluval Stratum
- Many plants will grow in 100% Fluval Stratum
Basic acid mix
- 1 part peat moss
- 1 part ripped up beech leaves
- Cryptocoryne spp.
Rheophyte rocky stratum
- Fluval Stratum
- Topped with 1/4″ to 1/2″ of small crushed Lava
- Bucephalandra spp.
- Dicranopygium spp.
Rheophyte bank mix
- Akadama
- Pumice
- Lava
- Monto Clay
- Perlite
- Charcoal
- Fluval stratum
- Dicranopygium spp.
- Large Bucephalandra spp.
- Some rheophytic ferns
Hard Core Rheophyte
- Small crushed Lava
- Bucephalandra spp.